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International Shipping Rate Changes and Reductions

International Shipping Rate Changes and Reductions

In January 2013, the United States Postal Service raised international postal rates on average of 86% in the largest annual rate increase in history. During 2014 and 2015, the USPS raised rates by an average of roughly 15% and this upcoming January the current proposal is to increase shipping rates substantially higher.

With these factor at hand, we have worked diligently to mitigate shipping costs and bring them as low as we can. As of today, November 6, 2015, we've altered our shipping rates (again) as we try to cut any cost out that we can for you. 

We've substantially reduced the rates of lightweight shipments. Examples of lightweight shipments are items that are flat and as stated, lightweight in manner. Many products like our bumper stickers, pins, and some costume accessories now fall under this category. For products like our bobble heads, we had reduced the rates as low as possible and they are unaffected. 

If you're in Canada, that would be mean an order with a few stickers would now be $3.00 less and with our new International flat lightweight category, all other countries would see an example order of a few stickers at half the shipping cost as before. It's a substantial savings and we continue to work on cutting any costs and to literally pass the savings on to you.

Thanks again for your continued International business! We greatly appreciate it and love sending smiles around the globe!