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Anatomy of Bobble Heads

Anatomy of Bobble Heads



At, we feature bobble heads. We're all about bobble heads, it's a topic that we've been well versed in for a long, long time. We get customers and passers by that ask questions like these, "How are bobble heads made?" and "What are bobble head made out of?" With so many questions, there's only one thing to do, answer those questions!

What are bobble heads made out of?

There are all types of bobble heads and they're made from several types of materials. Generally, the most common bobble heads are made from resin and plastic. There are also ceramic and wooden bobble heads, but they are in the minority of the products currently produced. The resin bobble head dolls are solid and generally allow for greater details and finer contouring of the body. Plastic bobble heads are cast from a mold, but not all plastic bobbing heads are the same. Some styles rely purely on the mold as the entire product with the appropriate paint colors added. Our most popular bobble heads use a plastic inner shell that are not solid and are covered with felt cloth. The felt adds a layer of detail, a layer of feeling, and an additional layer of strength to the bobble head. With our bobble head animals, you'll find that the eyes are made of plastic and some vary from completely solid colors to an eye complete with color and pupil.

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