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Privacy Policy

 At the PopCultureSpot, your privacy is job number one. Increasingly companies are selling or bartering your most personal and private of information. This practice is wrong, deceptive, and one that we've all heard about way too much in the news.

We find the practice of issuing your information to other companies to be absolutely unprofessional, dishonest, and a poor business practice. When you shop with us, you're shopping with ease. Your information is transmitted to PopCultureSpot and only for PopCultureSpot.

We do not specifically collect information about children and believe that children should get their parents' consent before giving out any personal information.

We do not and will not ever share your information with any company, individual, or firm. We are honored to serve your shopping needs and want to ensure you of your privacy.

When placing your order, we collect the following information: Billing & Shipping Name(s), Mailing Address, Payment Information (which we do not see), along with either your email address and mobile number. These items are obtained to simply verify and process your order.

We also disapprove of companies relentless email marketing to customers. We send out email updates a few times a year and that is all. When you shop at a store, occasional updates and offers are informational, but we feel that weekly or even daily (!!) email updates from many companies are intrusive and excessive.

Our privacy policy has remained unchanged and in effect since June 15, 1998.