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COVID-19 Update and We're Open

COVID-19 Update and We're Open

As the COVID-19 pandemic has touched the entire world, the impact on business has been profound. First of all, our thoughts are with everyone around the world as we all work through this crisis as scientists develop treatment(s) and ultimately a vaccine. At, our supply chain is from around the world including manufacturing right here in our home base of the United States. 

The pandemic's effect on the supply chain has been profound and has been causing issues since the beginning of the year. We've had long delays in shipments from overseas directly to us and to several manufacturers due to production shortages and delays. We're using all of our collective sources to find alternate supply chain sources of products that have been impacted. 

In early 2020, the majority of manufacturing related to our industry went silent overseas. While that manufacturing has now partially rebounded, the companies who make those products have been temporarily closing their facilities in the United States, so it's rather difficult for most businesses to get their product to retailers such as ourselves. Products that are being manufactured here in the United States are also now being impacted with reduced or temporarily shuttered operations.

So, we're working hard to navigate through it all and we're keeping the lights on. Your support of our business is appreciated beyond words. We're one of countless small businesses based in the United States where your patronage directly impacts our family and our economy. We're not a big box retailer, we're not funded by private equity, we're a business that was founded from the ground up in 1998 and appreciate the support of every single customer throughout the years as we come up on our 22nd year in business!

Our order fulfillment schedule remains on track and we're shipping out Monday through Saturday. 

Thank you again for your continued business, stay safe, and the best of health to you and your family,

The Family